Regenerative Medicine

A stem cell doctor will utilize cells harvested from bone marrow and/or adipose fat. This type of autologous stem cell therapy offers the patient a stem cell treatment plan best suited for their injury or disease.

Throughout the world, scientists are trying to harness the regenerative power of the cell as you can see in the video trailer for "Stem Cell Revolutions”.

Stem Cells from Bone Marrow and Adipose Fat

Stem cells from concentrated bone marrow are the primary multipotent cells that replenishes all blood cell types. These cells are crucial for the regenerative processes needed for active tissue repair. In addition, these cells are representative of mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent stromal cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including cartilage, bone and adipose cells. Bone marrow concentrate provides therapeutic concentrations of these cell types which is the key to desirable patient outcomes.

Adipose fat derived MSCs are being used therapeutically because they undergo homing to sites of inflammation or tissue injury and they secrete massive levels of bioactive agents that are both immunomodulatory and trophic.

Stem Cells from Adipose

Adipose is used in regenerative medicine procedures because mesenchymal stem cells can be isolated from almost every tissue in the human body. The central connecting aspect to explain this fact is that all of these tissues are vascularized and that every blood vessel in the body has mesenchymal cells in abluminal locations. These perivascular cells can be summarily called Pericytes.

Adipose-Derived MSCs are being used therapeutically because they undergo homing to sites of inflammation or tissue injury and they secrete massive levels of bioactive agents that are both immunomodulatory and trophic.